
Showing posts from June, 2022


Living in the 21st century all that I can see is that people are continuously exploiting our mother earth without even knowing the repercussions of doing so. This generates the need to develop the idea of sustainability in our way of living.  Sustainable development means development should take place in such a way that the environment is not harmed . Sustainability is the key to living as it is the only way to stop all the disastrous activities being done by everyone.  It is almost time that we switch our lifestyles and these little changes can make a big impact on the environment.  As we see that anti-environmental activities like deforestation, pollution, dumping of plastic in rivers etc are seen very often these days. Global warming is another big impact of these activities which has led to melting of glaciers in many parts of the world. We need to be well prepared in order to face the consequences of the past developmental activities.  It is true that development is good for every

If you think there is a difference between love and like, then you are 100% right!!!!

We often get confused between like and love. Well this is really common to see among people these days as they sometimes fail to understand the difference between like and love. There has been a comparison which is given by lord buddha which has been stated with the example of a sunflower. It states that if you like the flower, you are very likely to just pluck it, but if you are in love with the flower you won't pluck it, you will rather water the flower and want it to grow more. This difference has been beautifully depicted by lord buddha.  Liking may start and just end after sometime and this is also known as infatuation. A lot of people do confuse infatuation with love and end up in a helpless state. Love on the other hand involves intricate feelings for the other one and it is like being on a warfield and facing a difficult battle as it consists of so many ups and downs. Love is like a never ending ocean and it is very huge whereas liking can be considered as a lak

Music is a sort of escape, isn't it?

 Well a new day with the same mode of escape from the daily life. So what do you exactly mean when you say escape? Um okay.. escape for me means something which can be done to just vanish away from where you are for a couple of minutes. Yeah, a couple of minutes does work. So, for me escape definitely is music. The calmness, feel and vibe music has is just unmatchable to anything in this world.  Imagine what this world would even be like without music... JUST UNIMAGINABLE right? I feel the world has just become a better place to live in with the presence of music. Living just one moment , singing your favourite song or listening to it is just enough to make a person smile. This is the power of music as it heals, it can heal anything on earth. It has some sort of beauty and soul in it which attracts people to listen to songs especially when they feel something, be it happiness or sorrow. This is music and is sort of an escape for so many people who believe that there is a song or a tun