Living in the 21st century all that I can see is that people are continuously exploiting our mother earth without even knowing the repercussions of doing so. This generates the need to develop the idea of sustainability in our way of living. 
Sustainable development means development should take place in such a way that the environment is not harmed . Sustainability is the key to living as it is the only way to stop all the disastrous activities being done by everyone. 

It is almost time that we switch our lifestyles and these little changes can make a big impact on the environment. 
As we see that anti-environmental activities like deforestation, pollution, dumping of plastic in rivers etc are seen very often these days. Global warming is another big impact of these activities which has led to melting of glaciers in many parts of the world. We need to be well prepared in order to face the consequences of the past developmental activities. 

It is true that development is good for everyone/thing but development should not harm the needs of the present generation, nor should it sacrifice with the needs of the future generation. Thus it is important to shift to a sustainable way of living or else earth will have to suffer in a huge way. We need to now start doing good deeds for our mother earth as a lot of misuse has happened in the past and sadly it is still happening. Is this why earth is providing us all the resources so that we could exploit them?
Below are three steps that we all can follow to contribute a little and follow sustainable development for the environment:

First and the foremost thing is to get used with eco-friendly or environment friendly products for eg: stop the use of plastic poly bags and switch to jute or paper bags. This is a small step but by doing this one can make a big difference. 
Bamboo is a great alternative for plastic and instead of using plastic straws, toothbrushes, combs etc. , one can try all these products made of bamboo. That will be more eco-friendlier and healthier too.

Next best thing that we can follow is to restrict the buying or usage of items which connects to killing of animals. For example: consumption of meat, purchasing items which are made up of animal skin.

Try to plant a sapling every month as everyday so many trees are being cut which is a catastrophe. 

Doing your bit for the planet is very important and I believe that this will definitely help our environment get better.

